Vice Chair Introduction: Himaja Jangle

Hello Delegates!

My name is Himaja Jangle and I am extremely excited to be serving as your Vice Char for the World Health Organization this year! 

I am currently a third year Economics major at Berkeley and have been part of BMUN for 6 years now. Being from the Bay, I thoroughly enjoyed attending BMUN as a delegate in high school and was super excited when I got the opportunity to join BMUN and serve as part of the Secretariat in college. Outside of BMUN, I am involved in Project Smile, a mentoring organization with a local middle school as well as Voyager Consulting. When I’m not studying or participating in my extra-curriculars, you can usually catch me enjoying boba or any of Berkeley’s amazing food with my friends.  

I'm sure that if has become apparent that despite being a Vice Chair of WHO, I do not have a strong background in biology and the health field. But, the topics that Stacey, our Head Chair, has chosen are super relevant to anyone today. I am super excited to hear about all of your great ideas and solutions to these issues especially because we all come from drastically different backgrounds.

Feel free to reach out if you absolutely any questions about conference or even about Berkeley in general! 

Hope you guys are as excited for conference as I am - good luck and happy researching! 


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