Very Helpful Position Paper Guidelines

Hello, delegates!

Please make sure to visit to find the official position paper guidelines. For WHO specifically, we have a few very helpful guidelines that you should follow in order to write a thorough paper.

For the first topic, the Acceleration of Global Disease Eradication, be sure to address at least one disease (either one that was mentioned in the topic synopsis or one that is very relevant to your country or region) and create specific solutions for that disease. Every disease has a unique set of characteristics, so be sure to include solutions that are specific and tailored to a disease (or multiple diseases if you are an overachiever!)

For the second topic, the Rehabilitation of Health Structures in Conflict-Affected Zones, try to address what your nation perceives to be a few of the most important parts of rebuilding a damaged health system. For example, if loss of medical personnel and the utilization of horizontal vs. vertical programs are two topics your country has taken strong positions on, consider focusing on those and creating detailed, specific solutions to address the issues. Also consider the cultural nuances that come into play when a country is making solutions to address problems in another country; for example, what are some of the social norms and customs that may have to be addressed when creating a health system in a different place?

For both topics, consider what your country and the international community has done in the past and why those efforts were or were not successful. Understanding past actions helps build stronger solutions!

Writing a position paper may seem daunting at some points, but your dais is here to support you throughout the process! Email if you need more information or help with your paper. We look forward to reading about all your ideas!



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